How would I add a play again feature to this RPS program in python using a while loop?

import random

choice = input("Enter Rock(R), Paper(P), or Scissors(S): ")

computer = random.randint(1, 3)

if computer == 1:

print("Computer played R.")

elif computer == 2:

print("Computer played P.")


print("Computer played S.")

#Winning conditions

if computer == 1 and choice == "R":

print("Computer played Rock.")


elif computer == 2 and choice == "P":

print("Computer played Paper.")


elif computer == 3 and choice == "S":

print("Computer played Scissors.")


elif computer == 1 and choice == "S":

print("Computer played Rock.")

print("You Lose")

elif computer == 2 and choice == "R":

print("Computer played Paper.")

print("You Lose")

elif computer == 3 and choice == "P":

print("Computer played Scissors.")

print("You Lose")

elif computer == 1 and choice == "P":

print("Computer played Rock.")

print("You Win")

elif computer == 2 and choice == "S":

print("Computer played Paper.")

print("You Win")

elif computer == 3 and choice == "R":

print("Computer played Scissor.")

print("You Win")

Respuesta :


import random

playAgain = True;

while playAgain == True:

   choice = input("Enter Rock(R), Paper(P), or Scissors(S): ")

   computer = random.randint(1, 3)

   if computer == 1:

    print("Computer played R.")

   elif computer == 2:

    print("Computer played P.")


    print("Computer played S.")

#Winning conditions

   if computer == 1 and choice == "R":

    print("Computer played Rock.")


   elif computer == 2 and choice == "P":

    print("Computer played Paper.")


   elif computer == 3 and choice == "S":

    print("Computer played Scissors.")


   elif computer == 1 and choice == "S":

    print("Computer played Rock.")

    print("You Lose")

   elif computer == 2 and choice == "R":

    print("Computer played Paper.")

    print("You Lose")

   elif computer == 3 and choice == "P":

    print("Computer played Scissors.")

    print("You Lose")

   elif computer == 1 and choice == "P":

    print("Computer played Rock.")

    print("You Win")

   elif computer == 2 and choice == "S":

    print("Computer played Paper.")

    print("You Win")

   elif computer == 3 and choice == "R":

    print("Computer played Scissor.")

    print("You Win")

   choice = input("Play Again?")

   if(choice == "n"):

     playAgain = False


     playAgain = True


Use a boolen variable and a while loop. The while loop will keep looping until it is false. In this case, I have it set up to keep looping unless the user enters n.

Tip: Make sure that all of the code is indented with the while loop.