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Answer: Waters ancient treasures, and Ecgtheow swore oaths to me.” In this quote, Hrothgar is talking to Beowulf in a touching conversation and allows Beowulf’s offer of help to defeat Grendel. The king reminds Beowulf of a favor he once did for his father. When he reminds Beowulf of his father’s promise it helps Hrothgar save face as he accepts Beowulf's help. This shows that he is a caring ,nice and loyal friend that is accepted today.

Beowulf is an Old English poem. Even though the exact date of composition is still not specific, the poem is still believed to have been written between 975 and 1025. Anglo-Saxon culture, as supposed through the writing of Beowulf, provides a clear showing into the lives, and habits of ancient society. There is no regarding that society has changed from the time Beowulf was written, but it could be said that some character traits that Beowulf shows are considered important these days. Beowulf shows values we still carry today such as loyalty, braveness, and has faith. These things have stayed important up to this day.

Beowulf is loyal to his family, his homeland, his king, and his men, making loyalty a powerful force for this man who puts others' needs before his own. The meaning of loyalty runs throughout 'Beowulf' and is important to and to the poem. Beowulf chooses to help Hrothgar when he is in need, he helps Hrothgar because Hrothgar helped Beowulf's father when Beowulf was just a baby. Loyalty is very important for relationships in today’s world which is why Beowulf is relatable to this day. Without loyalty there would not be friendships or peace.

Beowulf proves his bravery when he defeats Grendel and his mother and sacrifices his life while fighting against the horrible dragon. During the story the poet describes the moment Beowulf kills Grendel’s mother “The champion for the Danes, in a dreadful fury, despairing of life, seized the hilt of the sword, swung its great blade and angrily struck so that it dug deep in the neck of the monster, breaking the bone-rings, slicing all the way through her body doomed by fate, and she fell dead on the floor. The sword sweat blood, while the warrior rejoiced.”. The monster’s death is a moment of relief and victory for Beowulf as he sees that he is a brave hero. In today’s world being a hero might not be the same as it was in the Anglo-Saxons time period, being a hero in today’s world means to be brave like him and determined. Never backing down from any obstacle just like Beowulf. Literature is a source of information about different cultures and communities. The values I wrote about show the importance of Anglo-Saxon culture. In the Anglo-Saxon tribes, warriors who were brave and loyal were adored by the rest of the people just as they are now in these times.


I tweaked it up more let me know if u need me to tweak it up some more