Over a period of time, the beetles once again reached carrying capacity and sustained it for many years. However, pollution from a nearby factory leaked into the ecosystem, making 55 hectares of the land uninhabitable to the beetles. Predict how the estimated carrying capacity will change and explain your reasoning for your estimation.

Respuesta :


As the beetles have a uniform distribution, at a carrying capacity of 14,600 beetles, there are about 128 beetles per hectare. Because 55 hectares are now unlivable, the carrying capacity would decrease by about 7,040 individuals (55 × 128).

Therefore, the carrying capacity of the ecosystem will be (old carrying capacity – decrease in carrying capacity) = (14,600 – 7,040) = 7,560 beetles.



ExplaAs the beetles have a uniform distribution, at a carrying capacity of 14,600 beetles, there are about 128 beetles per hectare. Because 55 hectares are now unlivable, the carrying capacity would decrease by about 7,040 individuals (55 × 128).

Therefore, the carrying capacity of the ecosystem will be (old carrying capacity – decrease in carrying capacity) = (14,600 – 7,040) = 7,560 beetles.nation:

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