Write a program to calculate the property tax. Property tax is calculated on 92% of the assessed value of the property. For example, if the assessed value is $200,00.00, the property tax is on 184,000.00. Assume that the property tax rate is $1.05 for each $100 of the assessed value. Your program should prompt the user to enter the assessed value of the property. Store the output in a file in the following format. (Here is a sample output.

Respuesta :



void main()


// using file pointer to print output to txt file

FILE *fptr;

float assessedValue, taxableAmount, taxRate = 1.05, propertyTax;

/* open for writing */

fptr = fopen("output.txt", "w");

if (fptr == NULL)


printf("File does not exists \n");



// prompting user to enter assessed value and storing it in assessedValue variable

printf("Enter the Assessed Value of property : ");

scanf("%f", &assessedValue);

//writing assessed value to output.txt file using fprintf file i/o function

fprintf(fptr, "AssessedValue : $ %.2f\n", assessedValue);

//calculating taxableAmount based on given condition in the question

taxableAmount = (assessedValue * 0.92);

//writing taxable Amount to output.txt file using fprintf file i/o function

fprintf(fptr, "TaxableAmount: $ %.2f\n", taxableAmount);

//writing tax Rate to output.txt file using fprintf file i/o function

fprintf(fptr, "Tax Rate for each $100.00: $ %.2f\n", taxRate);

//calculating propertyTax based on given condition in the question

propertyTax = ((taxableAmount/100)*taxRate);

//writing property Tax Amount to output.txt file using fprintf file i/o function

fprintf(fptr, "propertyTax: $ %.2f\n", propertyTax);

//closing file using fclose function



Explanation :

I used Turbo C compiler to compile and run the C program. The below program compiles and at the run time, automatically, prints output to a file called output.txt.

When you compile the program, remember to check the BIN folder in Turbo c folder of C drive where your turbo c has been installed.


Assessed value: $200000

Taxable amount: $184000

Tax Rate for each $100.00: $1.05