Write a program to perform statistical analysis of scores for a class of students. The class may have up to 40 students.There are five quizzes during the term. Each student is identified by a four-digit student ID number. The program is to print the student scores and calculate and print the statistics for each quiz. The output is in the same order as the input; no sorting is needed. The input is to be read from a text file. The output from the program should be similar to the following:Here is some sample data (not to be used) for calculations:

Stud Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

1234 78 83 87 91 86

2134 67 77 84 82 79

1852 77 89 93 87 71

High Score 78 89 93 91 86

Low Score 67 77 84 82 71

Average 73.4 83.0 88.2 86.6 78.6

The program should print the lowest and highest scores for each quiz.

You will apply the following topics in this assignment:

File Input operations.

Working and populating an array of objects.

Wrapper Classes.

Object Oriented Design and Programming.

Respuesta :


package driverstudentquiz;

public class Student {

private int SID;

private int scores[] = new int[5];


//get and set functions for scores and ID

public int getSID(){

return this.SID;


public void setSID(int id){

this.SID= id;


public int[] getScores(){

return this.scores;


public void setScores(int[] s){

this.scores= s;



public void printData(){ //print all data of a student

System.out.println("\t\t\t\t"+ SID +"\t"+ scores[0] +"\t"+ scores[1] +"\t"+ scores[2] + "\t"+ scores[3] +"\t"+ scores[4] +"\n");



Statistics class :

package driverstudentquiz;

public class Statistics {

private int[] lowscores= new int[5];

private int[] highscores= new int[5];

private float[] avgscores= new float[5];


void findlow(Student[] a, int c){ // finds low score.

int i=0;

for(i=0;i<5; i++){

int[] temp= a[0].getScores();

int min = temp[i];

for(int j=0; j< c; j++){

int[] s= a[j].getScores();

if(min > s[i]){

min = s[i];



lowscores[i]= min;




void findhigh(Student[] a, int c){ // find high score

int i=0;

for(i=0;i<5; i++){

int[] temp= a[0].getScores();

int max = temp[i];

for(int j=0; j< c; j++){

int[] s= a[j].getScores();

if(max < s[i]){

max = s[i];



highscores[i]= max;



void findavg(Student[] a, int c){ // find average score.

int i=0;

for(i=0;i<5; i++){

int sum =0;

for(int j=0; j<c; j++){

int[] s= a[j].getScores();

sum= sum + s[i];


avgscores[i]= sum/c;




public void printStatistics(Student[] a, int c){ // print statistics for all students and all quizes




System.out.println("Lowest score :\t\t"+ lowscores[0] +"\t"+ lowscores[1] +"\t"+ lowscores[2] +"\t"+ lowscores[3] +"\t"+ lowscores[4] );

System.out.println("High score :\t\t"+ highscores[0] +"\t"+ highscores[1] +"\t"+ highscores[2] +"\t"+ highscores[3] +"\t"+ highscores[4] );

System.out.println("Average score :\t\t"+ avgscores[0] +"\t"+ avgscores[1] +"\t"+ avgscores[2] +"\t"+ avgscores[3] +"\t"+ avgscores[4] );



Util class :

package driverstudentquiz;

import java.io.*;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class Util {

static int studentCount;

static Student [] readFile(String filename, Student [] stu) {

//Reads the file and builds student array.

int i=0;

try {

FileReader file = new FileReader(filename); //Open the file using FileReader Object.

BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(file);

boolean eof = false;

while (!eof) {

String line = buff.readLine(); //In a loop read a line using readLine method.

if (line == null)

eof = true;


// System.out.println(line);

stu[i]= new Student();

StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); //Tokenize each line using StringTokenizer Object


stu[i].setSID(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())); //Value is then saved in the right property of Student Object.

int[] arr= new int[5];

for(int j=0;j<5;j++){

arr[j]= Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); //Each token is converted from String to Integer using parseInt method


stu[i].setScores(arr); //Value is then saved in the right property of Student Object.







} catch (IOException e) {

System.out.println("Error -- " + e.toString());


studentCount = i-1;

return stu;




package driverstudentquiz;

public class DriverStudentQuiz {


public static void main(String[] args) {

Student arrStudent[] = new Student[40];

int studentCount=0;

arrStudent = Util.readFile("Data.txt", arrStudent);

studentCount= Util.studentCount; // find number of lines from file. which will show number of students in array.

Statistics s = new Statistics();

for(int i = 0; i<studentCount; i++){ // print student data fetched from file



s.printStatistics(arrStudent,studentCount); // print statistics of students



