The correct answer is option B "Humanists"
Rhetoric alludes to the examination and employments of composed, communicated in and visual language. It researches how language is utilized to arrange and keep up social gatherings, develop implications and characters, organize conduct, intercede power, produce change, and make information.
Rhetoricians regularly accept that language is constitutive (we shape and are molded by language), dialogic (it exists in the mutual region among self and other), firmly associated with thought (mental action as "internal discourse") and coordinated with social, social and financial practices. Explanatory examination and composed proficiency are comprehended to be fundamental to urban, expert and scholarly life.
Rhetoric started 2500 years prior as the investigation of the types of correspondence and contention basic to open, political and lawful life in Old Greece. It has since advanced a rich and various assortment of research, writings, and instructional methods.