b. When launching a new brand, we discussed in lecture that it is best to build the brand first with PR, and then sustain it with advertising if necessary. Explain this reasoning by providing support from the readings.

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When launching a new brand, it is best to build the brand first with PR, and then with advertising is explained in the following way


In the past, almost every new brand was launched with a big advertising campaign. In today's media environment, that's not a good idea. Advertising is expensive and not very credible, especially when used on behalf of a new brand. That's why many of the most successful new brands were launched with PR.

Launching a new brand with PR, however, raises a number of questions.If no advertising agency is involved, who does the positioning strategy.

To stimulate your thinking about these ,here is an outline of six steps a PR launch might take.

1. The leak -A PR program usually starts with a leak to key reporters and editors. Internet sites are often favorite targets.

But no big brand has ever been successful in a category with no competition. The best thing that ever happened to Coca-Cola is Pepsi-Cola.

Not a good idea. The more competitors in a category, the larger the category. Competition creates enormous consumer interest in the category and stimulates a lot of PR.

Advertising is different. An advertising program is launched like a D-day attack. It's usually kept a top secret until the day the first ad runs.

It would have been better to let the PR run for a few months before launching the advertising. In turn, the ads could then focus on the success of the launch. (Nothing succeeds like success.)

2. The slow buildup

A PR program slowly unfolds like a flower blooming. A company has to allot enough time for the PR to develop momentum. That's why a PR launch often starts before the details of a new product or service are firmly fixed.

Advertising is different. An advertising program usually starts with a "big bang." Since consumers tend to ignore advertising messages, a new ad program needs to be big and bold enough to get above the "noise level."

3. The recruitment of allies

Why go it alone when you can get others to help communicate your message? The slow buildup of a PR program allows enough time to recruit allies to your cause.

Advertising is different. With a big-bang launch, there usually isn't enough time to line up supporters. Also, advertising alliances usually fall apart over the question of who pays for what.

4. Product modification

Feedback is an important element in a PR launch. By launching the PR program ahead of the actual product introduction, t

Advertising is different. Once a big-bang advertising program is launched, a company is committed.

5. Message modification

Feedback from a PR program also allows a company to modify the brand's message for greater consumer appeal.

6. The soft launch

PR versus advertising

In almost every way, the launch of a brand via PR is exactly the opposite of how a brand is currently launched with an advertising program.