Select the correct text in the passage.
Which evidence in the passage best supports the inference that there is mystery behind the design of the Leaning Tower?
excerpt from The Innocents Abroad
by Mark Twain
At Pisa we climbed up to the top of the strangest structure the world has any knowledge of-the Leaning Tower. As
everyone knows, it is in the neighborhood of one hundred and eighty feet high-and I beg to observe that one hundred
and eighty feet reach to about the height of four ordinary three-story buildings piled one on top of the other, and is a
very considerable altitude for a tower of uniform thickness to aspire to, even when it stands upright-yet this one leans
more than thirteen feet out of the perpendicular. It is seven hundred years old, but neither history or tradition say
whether it was built as it is, purposely, or whether one of its sides has settled. There is no record that it ever stood
straight up. It is built of marble. It is an airy and a beautiful structure, and each of its eight stories is encircled by fluted
columns, some of marble and some of granite, with Corinthian capitals that were handsome when they were new. It is a
bell tower, and in its top hangs a chime of ancient bells. The winding staircase within is dark, but one always knows
which side of the tower he is on because of his naturally gravitating from one side to the other of the staircase with the
rise or dip of the tower. Some of the stone steps are foot-worn only on one end; others only on the other end; others
only in the middle. To look down into the tower from the top is like looking down into a tilted well. A rope that hangs
from the center of the top touches the wall before it reaches the bottom. Standing on the summit, one does not feel
n the lower
altogether comfortable when he looks down from the high side; but to crawl on your breast to the verge on the
midand try to stretch your neck out far enough to see the base of the tower, makes your flesh creep, and convinces you
for a single moment in spite of all your philosophy, that the building is falling. ...

Respuesta :

It is seven hundred years old, but neither history or tradition say  whether it was built as it is, purposely, or whether one of its sides has settled. There is no record that it ever stood  straight up.


The above words explain the mystery behind the design of the Leaning Tower of the Pisa.

When the author says that the monument is seven hundred years old and there is no record in the history about the tower whether it was designed to remain inclined or inadvertently inclined to one side.

The author further doubts whether the monument has ever stood straight up from the ground. He further describes the mysterious architectural designs and other features. These words create a web of mystery regarding the Leaning Tower's design.

The inference that supports that there is a mystery in the construction of the Leaning Tower can be seen in the sentence that shows that there is no historical record or tradition that explains how this tower was built.

This inference can be seen in:

"It is seven hundred years old, but neither history or tradition say whether it was built as it is, purposely, or whether one of its sides has settled. There is no record that it ever stood straight up."

Through this, we can see that:

  • The tower has a peculiar structure, which makes it imposing and arouses the curiosity of its visitors.
  • This curiosity is established because no one knows how to describe how the tower was built or whether it was built all at once, or over time.
  • There is no record describing the architectural plan of the tower and people living in the region cannot explain how it came about.
  • This all increases people's interest in the leaning tower, as it has an air of mystery.

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