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The primary purpose of metaphor and simile is to compare two, unlike things.
Both metaphor and simile are the figures of speech which are used while comparing two people, characters, ideas or subject. A metaphor is a hidden comparison between two things which possess at least any one idea common to each other. The things may be completely different from each other but would have either one characteristic in common to them. Simile, on the other hand, is the direct comparison between two things. It compares two things by using ‘as’ or ‘like.’ These two figures of speech are used in literary works which enhances and adds the beauty of the work.
The primary purpose of metaphor and simile is to compare two unlike things.
Further explanation
A simile and metaphor are figurative languages. Figurative language uses a figure of speech to describe something beyond their literal meaning. Another type of figurative languages including personification, hyperbole, assonance, paradox, irony and etc.
Both simile and metaphor are used to compare two different things. However, metaphor is different from a simile because it doesn't use the word 'as' or 'like' to compare two things. A metaphor makes an implicit or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated but have some common characteristics.
Here some examples of simile:
- They fought like cats and dogs.
- She’s as good as gold .
- The car is as clean as a whistle .
In the first sentence, They fought like cats and dogs, it is comparing the fight with how cats and dogs when they meet.
Here are examples of metaphor:
- You are my sunshine.
- Her voice is music to his ear .
- Laughter is the best medicine.
In the first example, you are my sunshine. We use this comparison to describe an association of sunshine with that person.
Learn more
Figurative language
Use of figurative language
Keywords: simile, figurative language, a figure of speech, metaphor