The following laboratory tests are performed on aggregate samples:a. Specific gravity and absorptionb. Soundnessc. Sieve analysis test.What are the significance and use of each of these tests (1 point each)?

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A- Specific gravity and Absorption Test: Specific gravity is a measure of a material’s density as compared to the density of water at 73.4°F (23°C). Therefore, by definition, water at a temperature of 73.4°F (23°C) has a specific gravity of 1. Absorption is also determined by the same test procedure and it is a measure of the amount of water that an aggregate can absorb into its pore structure.

Specific gravity is used in a number of applications including Superpave mix design, deleterious particle identification and separation and material property change identification while

B- Soundness Test : This determines an aggregate's resistance to disintegration by weathering and in particular, freeze-thaw cycles. Aggregates that are durable (resistant to weathering) are less likely to degrade in the field and cause premature HMA pavement distress and potentially failure.It is used to identify the excess amount of lime in cement.

C - Sieve analysis Test: is a practice or procedure used to assess the particle size distribution (also called gradation) of a granular material by allowing the material to pass through a series of sieves of progressively smaller mesh size and weighing the amount of material that is stopped by each sieve as a fraction of the whole mass. This test is used to describe the properties of the aggregate and to see if it is appropriate for various civil engineering purposes such as selecting the appropriate aggregate for concrete mixes and asphalt mixes as well as sizing of water production well screens.