1/4 or 1/2 depending on mating partner of F2
Assuming that the F1 parent Rr mated with a plant with the RR, Rr or rr genotype the F2 offspring would have the following genotypes:
Rr x RR= 1/2 RR, 1/2 Rr
Rr x Rr = 1/4 RR, 1/2 Rr, 1/4 rr
Rr x rr = 1/2 Rr, 1/2 rr
The F2 generation with the RR genotype could not be the parents of the F3 generation because to have individuals with the rr genotype the F2 generation would have to mate with a plant that is either Rr or rr in which case the fraction of the population with the stripe rust phenotype will either be 1/4 or 1/2, respectively.