Respuesta :
Explanation: Supination is a medical terminology used to describe the impact of a person's weight on the foot,in this case the weight of the person rolls on the foot causing a curve around the ankle. It is a situation that affects people who over weight or who are obese. In a normal situation a person's weight should roll onwards (pronate) but in supination the weight rolls outwards.
Another name for Supination is UNDERPRONATION.
Supination is an anatomical concept of movement of forearm or foot rotation. It's meant whenever you shift your hand or foot such that it points towards your body.
This stems from plantar flexion's root word, This is the opposite of pronation.
The heel is pointing down, towards the ankle of the opposite foot, while the foot is supinated.
It is achieved with that foot's ankle rolling forward, with both the toes and the heel pointing in.
You would see the big toe twisted in and the ankle angled out of the midline if you were to look at the front of the leg when the foot is expected. This requires plantarflexion, foot adduction and foot inversion.