The solution code is written in Python.
Firstly, let's create a function removeAdoptedDog() takes two arguments, dog_dictionary & adopted_dog_names (Line 1)
Within the function, we can use a for-loop to traverse through the adopted_dog_names list and use the individual dog name as the key to remove the adopted dog from dog_dictionary (Line 3). To remove a key from a dictionary, we can use the keyword del.
Next return the updated dog_dictionary (Line 5).
Let's test our function by simply putting some sample records on the dog_dictionary (Line 7 -15) and two dog names to the adopted_dog_names list (Line 19).
Call the function removeAdoptedDog() by passing the dog_dictionary and adopted_dog_names as arguments. The display result will show the key represented by the adopted_dog_names have been removed from the dog_dictionary (Line 21).