How does Willy’s line, "I got nothing to give him" in his speech relate to his line, "Why can’t I give him something and not have him hate me?" ? What does Willy hope to give? For Willy, must this be tangible? For Biff? Psychologically, draw some parallels with Willy’s relationship with his own father.

Respuesta :

Willy has nothing tangible or materialistic that he can give to Biff, but he wants Biff to be successful so he can live his dream, the famous American Dream. The only thing he can offer is his life, in other words, the insurance money, but that results in Willy taking his own life. Biff will hate him for it because it was not necessary and he continually worked towards the wrong thing. For Willy, it has to be tangible like money and success. For Biff, it was more about happiness, love, honesty and acceptance.


Willy has nothing tangible or materialistic to offer Biff, but all he wanted was for Biff to be successful and live out his dream, which is the American Dream. The only thing he could offer is his life i.e the insurance money, but that caused the death of Willy . BIff will hate him for it because it was unnesscary and he continually worked towards the wrong thing. For Willy, it has to be tangible like money and success. For Biff, it was more about happiness, honest, acceptance and love.
