Dermot just learned that his company is closing, and all the employees will be laid off. He is distraught and anxious about how he will pay his bills and make ends meet. He is meeting with a head hunter later in the week. As Dermot prepares for the meeting, what should he say about his former company?
A. "My time there was time wasted. They kept us so isolated that we never even met the clients."
B. "I was able to learn from this experience. I now know what not to do in my next job."
C. "I am so glad that job is over. I am surprised they were able to stay in business that long."
D. "Whatever my next job is, please make it with a manager who cares about his employees and not just the bottom line."
E. "Have you ever wished that you could just erase a line from your resume? Well that is the line I would erase."