Question 1 with 10 blanksPACIENTE Doctor, tengo un malestar general: tengo mucha tos, tengo fiebre y (1) colmo me siento agotado. DOCTOR (2) lo visto, tiene usted gripe. (3) ¿ cuánto tiempo ha tenido (have you had) estos síntomas

Respuesta :

Answer:1) para 2) por 3) hace


1) The phrase "Para colmo" is similar to the English "to make things worse".

2) The Spanish "Por lo visto" means "apparently" or "according to what I see".

3) "¿Hace cuánto?" Is the Spanish for "How long?"


The right connector for each case is:

- PACIENTE: Doctor, tengo un malestar general: tengo mucha tos, tengo fiebre y para colmo me siento agotado.

- DOCTOR: Por lo visto, tiene usted gripe. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo ha tenido estos síntomas?


In the conversation were used three connectors: para, por, and hace, to understand the reason for their use, first will see the translation:

- PATIENT: Doctor, I have a general malaise: I have a lot of coughs, I have a fever and to top it off I feel exhausted.

- DOCTOR: Apparently, you have the flu. How long have you had these symptoms?

- The connector "para" could be used to give an opinion or mentioning how feels the patient in this case.

- The connector "por" could be used to mention a reason, motive or cause, for the patient's flu.

- By last, the connector "hace" is used to mention how much time has elapsed since an event.