Aristotle focused on clarifying the concept of virtue itself. He argued that it was virtuous to choose the proper amount of emotion and/or action called for in a particular situation and that extremes of emotion and action were vices. In all communities there are some men of practical wisdom who have the capacity to judge wisely. Aristotle argued that they have the capacity to follow the "right rule" whatever the situation." - David Cooper, Value Pluralism and Ethical Choicea. Argument; conclusion: Aristotle focused on clarifying the concept of virtue itself.b. Argument; conclusion: He argued that it was virtuous ... were vicesc. Argument; conclusion: In all communities ... capacity to judge wisely.d. Nonargumente. Argument; conclusion: They have the capacity to follow ... the situation.

Respuesta :


The rigth answer is conteined in lether A.


The central argument of the test is exposed by the definifion of virttue itself. In that way we can find the definition, as a part of phylohpic system, as compositon taken by a certain amount emotion and action, with that, follow the "right rule". So the phase that contains that information is the second on the excerpt.