Daedalus and Icarus wanted to escape the labyrinth of Minotaur in Crete
Daedalus was one of the most famous architect in all Crete. He was commissioned to project and build the famous labyrinth where the Minotaur lived.
After the construction he and his son, Icarus, were trapped inside the labyrinth to be aten bu the Minotaur, but Daedalus was a smart man and figure out a way to escape by buiding wings that could take them out with wax and feather.
When the wings were finally ready, Daedalus warn his son to not fly too close to the sun otherwise the heat would have burned the wax of the wings, but Icarus, estatic by his regained freedom did just that, dying when he fell from the sky.
The mith tries to teach the importance of patience, obbedience and not be driven by emotion.