David sustained a complete avulsion of his hamstring tendons from their origin on the ischial tuberosity. Hamstrings are part of what class of lever at the knee?

Respuesta :


Third class levers


The term "Ham" is has its origin from the Old English ham or hom which means hollow or twist of the knee, from a Germanic base where it signified "warped".  

String alludes to ligaments, and in this manner, the hamstrings are the string-like ligaments felt on either side of the back of the knee.  

The hamstrings are a case of third class switches, where the applied power is between the heap and the support.  

The primary capacity of our hamstrings is to twist our knees. This development is performed during every day exercises, for example, strolling, running, climbing stairs and bouncing. Your hamstrings likewise help turn your lower leg.