
Vahit Tuna
440 pairs of high heels installed in Istanbul to raise awareness of the number of women killed in domestic abuse.
Each pair of shoes represents a woman in Turkey that was killed by her partner in 2018. It’s a shocking number in a country where femicide is on the rise.  In using black heels as a symbol of defiance and independence, Vahit Tuna is hoping that the sculpture will raise awareness on the topic.
•The installation was inspired by a funerary custom in some parts of Turkey, where the shoes of the deceased are hung outside of their house. In this case, the shoes will hang for six months on a wall curated by the non-profit art platform Yanköşe.

Q1.Summarise the information about this art installation

Q2. Write what you think about the idea behind it and why you think that

Q3. Write what you think about looking at a photograph of the installation and why

Q4. Write how you think this art work connects to your theme of Conflict

Q5. Write what you like about this art work and why?

Vahit Tuna 440 pairs of high heels installed in Istanbul to raise awareness of the number of women killed in domestic abuse Each pair of shoes represents a woma class=

Respuesta :


Q1- This instillation has 440 pairs of black high heels, each on representing the average number of women who die of domestic abuse in Turkey in one year.  

Q2- I think this idea is a great one, one that will catch the attetion of others to realize how many lives are lost, and that they should make a differnce, for that is more than one woman a day who dies from what can be stopped in minuet.  

Q3- Its sad that men think they can control women like that, so much to the point where they can kill them, because a woman broght them into this life.  

Q4- This shows that there is stil a major conflict in the world even in one household, it can lead to death

Q5- I like that it is trying to spread a message that needs to be more realized, its a smack in the face to society which needs to be done.