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Summary of the boy in the striped pyjamas:
The boy in the striped pyjamas is a holocaust novel written by John Boyne. The first chapter initiates the plot introducing characters and a major event in the protagonist Bruno life. He is a nine year old boy . He has been nurtured to follow the norms of social propriety. He is taken aback to see the maid of the house Marie packing his belongings without his permission.
When he inquires about the same, he is sent to his mother who tells him that they are all leaving the house and Berlin to go to a place where his father has been posted. The whole chapter showcases a child' s innocence, his naive curiosity, his reluctance to leave Berlin and his school friends for it will ruin their plans. However, he is told by his mother that they have no choice but to go as it will keep them safe and give his father the company of his family.
The novelist introduces Bruno's sister ,twelve year old Gretel who though doesn't appear in person but is twice referred by Bruno as 'the Hopeless Case' as she causes him much trouble, Bruno's mother, father, grandfather and grandmother, the server in the house - Lars, and the cook are also referred.
Though we are not told the names of his mother and father; the grandfather and the grandmother, but their existence is hinted. Lars is seen packing Bruno's mother's belongings. All the major conversation takes place between Bruno and his mother.
The novelist also takes the reader on a tour of the house, describing its floors, the topmost room from where Bruno can see across Berlin, his love for banisters in the house that run from the top floor to the ground floor near the two oak doors and how fond Bruno is of the 'sliding on the banisters' game.