Raw materials
Opening Inventory 22,100
purchases 47,800 (69,900 - 22,100)
available for use 69,900 (45,500 + 25,400)
closing Inventory (25,400)
cost of raw materials used 45,500
conversion cost 6,200 (51,700 - 45,500)
(labor and overhead)
cost added 51,700 (54,800 + 29,100 - 32,200)
WIP opening 32,200
WIP ending (29,100)
COGM 54,800 (60,200 - 5,400)
B. finished goods 5,400
available 60,200 (53,400 + 6,800)
E. finished goods (6,800)
COGS 53,400
Italic: given value
bold: calculate value