Original Price: $60
40% off and 8% sales tax.
Convert 40% to a decimal:
40% = 0.40
Multiply 60 and 0.4 to get the sale:
60 x 0.4 = $24 (discount)
Subtract 60 and 24 to get the discounted price: (Before Tax)
60 - 24 = $36 (discount price)
Convert 8% to a decimal:
8% = 0.08
Multiply 36 and 0.08 to get the sales tax:
36 x 0.08 = $2.88 (sales tax)
Add 36 and 2.88 to get the price with sales tax:
36 + 2.88 = $38.88
The total price of the toaster oven is $38.88 including tax.
Hope This Helped! Good Luck!