Respuesta :


During the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the conflict between secular states and the papacy

was a central issue to the development of nations. This paper intends to outline how Pope

Boniface VIII (1294-1303), in his struggle with King Philip IV le Bel of France (1268-1314),

had an ultimate objective to create a theocratic government under which all other nations existed,

essentially creating a Christian nation without borders, as God is everywhere and should not be

limited to temporal sovereign limitations. The role of church influence in national affairs had

reached its apex under the feudal system, however feudalism was beginning to decline with the

changes in economy, trade and commerce, urbanization, population growth and included a

change in mentality. An idea of an independent Christian kingdom, which was anathema to the

papacy, had begun to grow. The battle of King Philip and Pope Boniface emphasized the

growing concept of state versus church.

The policies of Boniface were primarily focused on putting the French monarch squarely

under the power of the spiritual authority of the pope. However, it backfired and caused criticism

towards the papacy that led to Boniface’s conflict with Philip leading to his deposition as pope

by an army led by Guillaume of Nogaret, Philip’s chief minister, and Sciarra Colonna, who was

a member of a major clan that opposed Boniface in the church. After he died in captivity on

October 11th 1303, he was posthumously tried for heresy and subsequent excommunication by the French prime minister.


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