1. Manuel está muy ocupado. falso
2. Manuel va a acompañar a Elisa a hacer diligencias. cierto
3. Primero van a ir al correo para comprar sellos. falso
4. Elisa quiere depositar el cheque primero. cierto
5. Manuel y Elisa van a comprar el postre antes de ir al banco. falso
6. Elisa sugiere cortarse el pelo después de hacer todo lo demás. falso
Remember to provide the context for every question you post. This will guarantee that you get correct and precise answers. However, these are the answers and this is the translation for each item:
1. Manuel is very busy. false
2. Manuel will accompany Elisa to run errands. true
3. First they will go to the post office to buy stamps. false
4. Elisa wants to deposit the check first. true
5. Manuel and Elisa are going to buy dessert before going to the bank. false
6. Elisa suggests cutting her hair after doing anything else. false
Uses of ser: https://brainly.com/question/1410448