3. How do you think your dietary practices affect your physical, social, and mental health? Do any of your dietary practices put your health at risk? (4 points)

Respuesta :

all 7 of the basic health's balance each other so if u eat unhealthy it'll cause your physical health to go down cause of weight gain, diabetes and other health conditions. then social health can be affected by not wanting to go out cause of weight gain or not having the energy. mental health can be affected as well because bullying can come into affect if u have noticeable weight gain and it puts strain on your mental health.


The body needs a healthy diet for it to function well. Each of our organs needs nutrients to make our bodies work at their best.  If we do not eat healthily, sooner or later we will suffer from the consequences, which may be nutritional deficits, excessive weight gain or loss, slow metabolism, disease, etc.


It is necessary to understand that each food has its importance to the body, whether through vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber or even fat (as long as they are the "good"). Each of these nutrients has its own individual role in the physical and mental development of its users.  

1. The dietary practices help to improve you body's fuction: The nutrients in the foods you eat help with everyday activities and protect cells from external and internal damage. Protein, for example, recreates injured tissue and promotes a healthy immune system. Carbohydrates and fats feed the body and give energy, while vitamins and minerals have functions that, together, contribute to the proper functioning of the body.

2. Prevent diseases: it is a mistake to think that obesity is the only disease caused by poor diet. It turns out that here both levels of amounts (too much or too little) of certain nutrients can also contribute to health problems.

3. Gives you energy: Calories are units of energy stored through food. This energy is needed for all body functions, including thinking, physical activity, growth, and healing.

4. Helps with mental health: some vitamins can have a major impact on mental health - vitamin B12, iron, magnesium - improve the functioning and helps to prevent againnst mental disorders like depression, etc.