Carolus linnaeus, an accomplished naturalist and a leading writer during the enlightenment, published systema naturae (1735), which claimed to identify five subspecies of modern homo sapiens. linnaeus thought that these subspecies would later integrate with one another throughout the world. match the subspecies with its characteristic.

Respuesta :

Australopithecus: the first bipeds, it is considered that they disappeared 2 million years ago. The skull was similar to that of the modern homo, of low height (1.20 to 1.30m) having thick jaw and cranial comb. Five subtypes are also recognized: afarensis, africanus, aethiopicus, boisei, and robustus, these three last ones, predominantly vegetarian. Its origin place: Africa.

Homo habilis: it is considered that habit Africa does 1.9 to 1.6 million years, there has rounded skull, big molars, central occipital hollow of approximately 1.40m of height, tapeworm hunter's skills. Origin place: Africa (Kenya)

Homo erectus: he lived about 1.8 million years, dominated the fire, walked raised, they developed the first weapon to fight, worn clothings of leather and formed a primitive language. Its origin place: Africa, Asia, the island of Java and parts of Europa

Homo predecessor: or the explorer. It is considered that they populated the ground 750 to 850 thousand years ago. Of small teeth, higher than its ancestors (1.70m) skull with major dimension and capacity, eyebrows enlarged with double arch, were active hunters and they were working the wood to construct instruments. Its origin: parts of the Mediterranean one and the Caucaso.

Homo sapiens: the wise man or thinker. I lived Africa 150,000 years ago; it coexisted with the Neandertals (these, they were not recognized for Linnaeus, but its existence was accepted after 1829 when a full body was found in Germany) they had the most extensive distribution: Africa, next east, Australia, Europe, America. Highly adaptable to different climates, they evolved the use of materials as stones and ivory, they had a more complex language, were using ornaments and they developed the rock paintings.

Carolus linnaeus  is often referred to as the "father of modern taxonomy". He described man as an animal like every other animal  and included them in the animal kingdom.

5 sub-species of Human Evolution

  • Dryopithecus Posses The teeth, with a thin layer of enamel, slender jaw . Males posses pronounced canine teeth, similar to modern apes.
  • Ramapithecus posses reduced and vertically implanted incisors, and canines, little or no diastema, flattened and thick enameled premolars and molars.
  • Australopithecus short and stocky possessing apelike features like long arms, thick waistlines and chimpanzee-like faces. Possessed  short and stocky apelike bodies, and brains closer in size to a chimpanzee than a modern human. Males height was about 1.37 meters tall and females 1.14 meters
  • The Upright Man possesses a human-like body, with relatively elongated legs and shorter arms when compared to its torso. Possesses an upright posture.
  • The wise man posses Short and high Skull Shape, Forehead, Chin,Smaller teeth, more gracile bones of skeleton etc.

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