Which tradition does Jo follow? Due to religious dietary restrictions, Jo refrains from consuming medicines that contain any animal products. Jo is most probably a (n) ____ .

Respuesta :

Jew or Muslim.

In Judaism as written in their holy book The Torah certain foods are prohibited. Prohibited foods that may not be consumed in any form include all animals and the products of animals that 'do not chew the cud and do not have cloven hoofs' so for example pigs and horses; fish without fins and scales; the blood of any animal; shellfish and all other living creatures that creep; and birds spoken badly about in the Bible for example vultures, hawks, owls and herons. All foods outside these categories may be eaten.

In Islam as written in their holy book the Qur'an certain foods are also prohibited. Prohibited foods include the blood of any animal, the flesh of pigs or of animals that are found dead, and food that has been offered or sacrificed to idols.