1. The following are the muscles involved when an athlete jumps:
Hip: Gluteal muscles (gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus)
Knee: Hamstrings (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus)
Ankle: Gastrocnemius
2. The following are the muscles taking part at the time of shooting the basketball:
Triceps are the larger muscles situated on the posterior of the upper arms. Their anatomical function is to elongate the elbow.
In the shoulders, the trapezius and deltoids are the muscles used at the time of shooting the ball.
The wrist extensors open the fingers and make the hand move back towards the upper arm. After shooting the ball when the hand goes downwards, the wrist flexors are used.
The biceps brachii is the muscles on the anterior of the upper arms. They make the elbow to flex. When shooting the ball, the biceps encourages the movement of the ball from a position in front of the body to the shooting position.