
Ebony wants to leave an 18% tip for a $19.82 restaurant bill. The tax is 6.25%, which is added to the bill before the tip.

Respuesta :

if I understand correctly the price of the meal was 19.82 we need to then add tax and tip? If so here is how we go about it.
1. find the tax. we are told it is 6.25% in decimal form this is .0625. We need to multiply that by the total 19.82 to find the tax so
[tex]0.0625 \times 19.82 = 1.24[/tex]
so the tax is $1.24

2. Add the tax to the total
[tex]19.82 + 1.24 = 21.06[/tex]
3. calculate a 18% tip. we can do this in our head numerous ways (moving the decimal place to find 10% taking half of that for 5% and moving the decimal again for 1% multiply by 3 and add) but for space we will simply do the same as we did for tax
[tex]21.06 \times .18 = 3.79[/tex]
so our tip is $3.79
4. add the tip to the total
[tex]21.06 + 3.79 = 24 .85[/tex]
so with tax and tip her total is 24.85 However I have found it very common for people to tip just on the price before tax. if this is the case calculate the 18% based just on the original price and add that value plus the 1.24 tax