Respuesta :

Most protractors are in a half circle shape, with lines every 10 degrees going from 0 degrees on one side and 180 degrees on the other, with 90 degrees in the middle. 
So to use a protractor, you would line up the 0 degree line and the center of the protractor on the angle you need to measure. Make sure that the protractor is lined up perfectly, and then see what number the angle falls on.
I explained this pretty badly so I'm adding pictures. 

Picture explanation:
I tried to draw a circle with similar angles to yours. Don't use my measurements as your measurements because it's not the same. 
I highlighted the angle that i'm using as an example so you can see it better through the protractor. (sorry if the pictures turn out weird.)
as you can see, I lined up the 0 degree line on the protractor with the bottom line of the angle i'm measuring, which you can see through the protractor due to the highlighter. 
The other line lines up about with the 65 degree line, so now you know that the angle I made is 65 degrees, and hopefully now you know how to use a protractor!
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