
All white people are rich, all black people are poor, all men are strong, all women are weak.
We are all lazy, we are all stubborn, age is just a number, at least that’s what they say.
When people don’t understand the types of people, we describe them as what they are not.
People judge us by what we say, wear, do, or where we’re from.
Just because they’re smiling doesn’t mean they’re happy.
Just because they wear glasses doesn’t mean they’re smart.
They are ugly so they must be poor, they are pretty so she must be foolish.
I’m a woman so I’m gentle, I’m a man so I have to be tough. We learn stereotypes from the world all around us.
Don’t you feel pain from being judged, by being yourself?
We all scream, we all cry, our bones are all white and we all bleed red.
So now we can’t be ourselves because we would get judged, or we can’t be ourselves because people would hate us.
These stereotypes are changing our minds into thinking differently about ourselves, in a bad way.
This isn’t just an opinion of people’s mind, it is what society sees from us. Everyone has gone through the pain and shame of stereotypes.

We don’t express ourselves enough to speak out the truth. We must look up way past these stereotypes, to who we really are.

These people don’t know what we are really capable of. In society, equality is fading away and becoming a joke. .
We should all have the minds of children. Children’s minds haven’t recognized stereotypes, but we the people teach them that.
This is how stereotypes keep on getting passed on and passed on and passed on.
Getting stereotyped can lead to problems, such as anxiety or depression. Why should we be categorized into groups? Why do we have labels, when on the inside, we are all exactly the same?
Not all whites are rich, not all blacks are poor. Not all skinny people are anorexic, not all fat people are obese.
The entire world must help bring an end to stereotyping.

HELP!! Can someone help me come up with metaphors to add to this slam poem? Thanks!