Someone please correct anything that is wrong from this poem.

As I wake up on a fresh morning, I go to check what the weather is feeling. When I open my window, I get a fresh breeze of air coming.

I look here and there to see beautiful pastures filled with gorgeous flowers everywhere.

With a smile on my face, I quickly go to get ready for an another fun day.
As I get in the car, I go and on the way I see beautiful sites such as mountains, waterfalls, markets, and many more things.

I am amazed as I go inside the stores. Fresh and delicious fruits and dishes are everywhere.

Georgia’s peaches are so juicy and sweet. I can’t wait to try the strawberries because they are so red and juicy. The apples are twice as better as they are the best tasting apples and that they are the most crispiest apples that you ever ate.

As you look at the clock, you realize that the day is almost over. So you go outside and see the beautiful sunset. Wow you say, I am so lucky that I am living in Georgia which is my hometown.