
For the first time in five years, Los Angeles authorities have issued a smog alert warning people of unhealthy levels of ozone in the air. Blame is being placed on increased sources of pollution: more people, cars, and sport utility vehicles. Add diesel engines from farm equipment to old trucks and power generators, train and jet engines, and even the ships in the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. Residents are calling for a decrease in air traffic and a limit to incoming ships. To counter, local importers have data that places the blame on LA residents and their high demand for and use of fossil fuels. A city meeting has been scheduled to address some of the issues concerning the return of smog. As an attendee of the meeting, what comments would you make concerning the data already presented in the media?
A) Residents have a right to their opinion; industry should honor at least some of their requests.
B) Industry should work together with government officials to collect data regarding the issues before looking for solutions.
C) An unbiased agency should collect data on the sources of air pollution before looking to the local industries and government for solutions.
D) The local government should collect data regarding the sources of ozone and nitrogen oxide pollution and then consider possible solutions.