Consider the halogenation of ethene, where x is a generic halogen: h2c=ch2(g)+x2(g)→h2xc−ch2x(g) you may want to reference (page 412) section 9.10 while completing this problem. part a use bond energies to determine which halogen produces the most exothermic halogenation reaction with ethene. bond bond energy (\rm kj/mol) h−c 414 c−c 347 c=c 611 c−f 552 c−cl 339 c−br 280 c−i 209 f−f 159 cl−cl 243 br−br 193 i−i 151 use bond energies to determine which halogen produces the most exothermic halogenation reaction with ethene. bond bond energy (\rm kj/mol) 414 347 611 552 339 280 209 159 243 193 151 iodine chlorine bromine fluorine