Respuesta :

When a word has a negative connotation, that means that is suggests something bad. For instance, exploit suggests something bad while employ suggests something good.
Infamous: Negative
Infamous means popular from a bad deed. 

Astute: Positive
Astute means smart or good at understanding people

Secure: Positive
Secure means safe. We normally pair "safe" with a sense of comfort.

Difficult: Negative
Difficult means hard, and most of the time people don't enjoy doing hard things.

Freedom: Positive
Freedom is the ability to do anything one desires without restraint.

Childish: Negative
To be childish is to be described as immature or to act lower than one's actual age.

Frivolous: Negative
Frivolous means to be useless. As humans, we always want to feel important or loved. The opposite would be to feel useless. 

Reluctantly: Negative
To do something reluctantly is to do something not out of one's personal pleasure. This normally requires coaxing and typically does not promise rewards.