
1. The poem The Long Hill is an allegory for:

a. overcoming pain
b. childhood
c. life
d. it’s not a allegory

2. Edwin Brock, author of Five Ways to Kill a Man creates ironic tone through the use of:

a. symbolism
b. hyperbole
c. understatement
d. allegory

3. Symbolism and imagery are:

a. interchangeable
b. the same thing
c. altogether different poetry elements
d. to be used in conjunction with one another

Respuesta :

1 is C. Life
2 is D. Allegory
3. Is C.


C. Life

The poem "The Long Hill" is an allegory of life. The author portrays life as a hill, and she tells us that she is now going down, past her peak. Moreover, she is sad that she did not even noticed where the peak was meant to be.

D. Allegory

An allegory is a narrative that contains a hidden meaning. This is usually a moral, or political one. In this poem, the author describes different ways to kill men. He uses symbols in order to talk about the past (crucifixion, jousting) and modern times (chemical weapons, bombs). His message is a political one and it is intended to criticize the political world in the twentieth century.

C. altogether different poetry elements

Symbolism and imagery are two different literary devices.

Symbolism occurs when an author uses a particular person, thing or idea in order to represent a different concept. Imagery occurs when an author uses rich, descriptive language in order to create an image in the reader's mind. Although both devices can be used in conjunction, they are different elements altogether.