Respuesta :
1. It is a plot. The story involves two young girls' search for a treasure. A plot is the order in which things move and happen in a story.
2. It is the theme. The story is about the human struggle with mortality.
A Theme is the main idea that weaves the story together, the why, the underlying ideas of what happens in the piece of literature, often a statement about society or human nature.
3. It is the character. The protagonist is self-exiled and bitter. Character is the mental, emotional, and social qualities to distinguish one entity from another (people, animals, spirits, automatons, pieces of furniture, and other animated objects).
4. It is the setting. The story takes place in plague-era London. Setting includes time and place.
5. It is the point of view. Interestingly, the story is told from the perspective of the antagonist. Point of view is determined by the authors' descriptions of characters, setting, and events told to the reader throughout the story.