There are many ways to cash-flow your college education without going into debt. Provide a minimum of five options for cash-flowing your college education. Explain how each option helps cash-flow your education in a minimum of three sentences each

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1. Get a part-time job.
Many college campuses have opportunities to work to earn some extra money or a chance for your work to convert into money towards your tuition.You can have your paycheck be directly deposited into your bank account so you don’t have to worry about cashing a paper check, and if you get a checking account, you can get a debit card to use your money at school for food, books, and other necessities.
2. Sell your notes and study guides on Flashnotes.
Flashnotes is a way to make money doing something you will be doing anyways! This is a great way to help students, review your class material and make money, all at the same time.Typing out the notes will help you remember what you learned, and reading something in someone else’s “voice” will help other students learn better since they are learning from their peers. Sell your papers through social medias and you can then send it through email or blog.
3. Enter sweepstakes.
Many popular stores have surveys that you can take after you make a purchase. Many times, you get a coupon for a percentage off, but some surveys get you entered to win gift cards to the store. This is especially helpful if you shop there and if you typically buy living necessities at the store.

While winning is not guaranteed, if you shop there a lot, you may be able to get entered several times, increasing your chances of winning, compared to those who may not shop there a lot or even those who do not choose to take the survey.

4. Earn gift cards through online rewards websites and apps.

There are websites and apps that allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for gift cards. These sites and apps include SwagbucksInstaGCInbox Dollars and ePoints. Points are earned through taking surveys, playing games, watching videos, and other activities.

Each activity has a specific point amount and they accumulate until you decide that you want to cash them in. Many of these sites give points for online shopping or signing up for offers, but do not sign up and pay for something that you do not really need, since that defeats the purpose.

5. Get paid to write reviews online.
There are websites, like, that pay you for reviewing the latest fashions and music. The longer and better your reviews, the more you get paid.

For example, on SliceThePie, while the maximum is typically nine cents per review, there are certain specials that allow you to get paid more. This usually happens on fashion reviews, but some music is occasionally higher paying.

Also, the more stars you have, the more you get paid. Stars are earned through predicting hits. While this is not a means of getting rich quickly, it definitely adds up after you go at it for a while. You can cash out once you reach ten dollars, and you get paid through your PayPal account.