An employer informs its employees that it will hold a substantial cash prize drawing for each work group at the end of each month in which all members of the work group comply with applicable safety rules, such as wearing required fall protection. Doug sustains a lost-time injury when he falls from a platform while not wearing required fall protection. Doug’s employer cancelled the cash prize drawing for Doug’s work group that month because Doug failed to wear required fall protection. The employer actively monitors its workforce for compliance with applicable work rules and cancels the cash prize drawings when it discovers work rule violations regardless of whether the employee who violated the work rule also reported an injury.Did the employer use an incentive program to retaliate against Doug? A.Yes B.No

Respuesta :

The correct answer is No.

The incentive program was already in place before Doug violated the rule. After violating the rule, the incentive program was canceled for Doug and his group, not as retaliation, but as a consequence of breaking an applicable safety rule.