Respuesta :
We were making a plan for the organization's schedule of activities. There were nine of us, all ladies. When we arrived at the venue, we had small talk in two or three groups until all the expected participants arrived. The presider laid out the agenda and continued to discuss each item. When I saw that my team mates could not take notes easily, I volunteered to write the points on the board so that they could copy the items that concern each of them. The commitment of each person to attend the activities was verified by letting them suggest or state their opinion. The meeting ended with majority of the ladies agreeing on major issues. I feel that if I did not volunteer, the meeting could not have ended on time.
The last time I remember working in a group was back in elementary school. The project was basically researching tigers. This didn't go very well, nor do any of my other group projects. The first stage was trying to figure out roles, and who would do what, next was arguing over it, then it came to me and someone else doing most of the work, and someone else finally, last-minute deciding to do the bare minimum. I tend to become the leader, being a bit of the perfectionist, and the other person, who somehow always tends to be my friend does research or does what I ask them to do. The person who does the bare minimum, only do so realizing they need to contribute, or they will end up getting a 0. This person's work tends to be one or two sentences contributing to what part they were supposed to do. Meanwhile, I and my friend would end up taking the project home, or staying after school late, to try and complete the project all by ourselves, and on time. We normally do it all, and pretty well done, at least B material, and when it's the day to present our project we end up adding the D material done by the last minute, even though we don't really want to, but are not winning the argument. Then the other people present the project, (doing an awful job since they don't know the material) and trying to take all responsibility for the work.
This gave me 100% on ed2021.