Since its inception in 1945, the United Nations has led numerous peacekeeping missions throughout the world. In recent years, the United Nations has sent troops to Sudan, Rwanda, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The UN peacekeeping missions are an example of

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Different countries with very different cultures and languages can help sustain world peace by collaborating with each other.


United Nations peacekeeping operations help conflict-torn countries create the conditions for lasting peace.

Peacekeeping has proven to be one of the most effective tools available to the United Nations to help countries navigate the difficult road between conflict and peace

United Nations peacekeeping relies on unique advantages, such as legitimacy, burden sharing and the ability to deploy and maintain military and police forces anywhere in the world, integrating them with civilian maintenance personnel. peace, to promote the fulfillment of multidimensional mandates.

United Nations peacekeepers inspire security and provide the political support and peacebuilding support needed to help countries make the difficult initial transition from a conflict situation to a peace situation.