Respuesta :

When writing a paper you should try to avoid passive voice. It is hard not to use passive voice at times. If you can just keep  the usage at a minimum in your papers. Being in college I have not had a problem with English teachers (a really hard teacher my first and third semester) deducting points from my paper when using passive voice. What I do is put my paper through Grammarly just to see what kind of errors I have in my paper and fix them. If you have an account with Grammarly they will show you where you made mistakes but because I don't I had to find where my mistakes were. It is a very helpful website. Hopefully I helped.

When To Use Passive Voice?

  • When the action shown by the verb and not the subject is important.
  • When the subject or agent is either unknown or insignificant.
  • When there is need for objective reporting while describing some scientific or Technical process.

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