
compare and contrast

Passage 1

"F-f-fellow students, I-I-I am here t-t-today to ask f-f-for your s-s-support," Andrew stuttered. He paused. He couldn't get past this line of his class speech as he stared out into the crowd. Andrew's palms began to sweat, smearing the words of his speech that he clutched so tightly in his hands. Oh, man, Andrew thought once he saw the mess he had made of his speech. What am I going to do now? I can't remember a single word.
The crowd shifted uncomfortably as they waited for Andrew to continue. "Ahem . . . ," Andrew cleared his dry throat. I should really say something. But what? Andrew thought as he looked out onto the expectant, restless crowd.

Passage 2

"Hurry, please hurry," cried out Heather as she flew
From one end of the room and to the next before I knew
"I need your help; I need you at your best!
There's no need or time for you to protest!"

"Our entire house is an absolute mess
And we have to clean it before we can have guests!"
Heather urged as she swept fast and furious
So much so to show that she was serious.

In both the story and the poem, explain the effect of the dialogue.

You may begin your answer with: "In both the poem and the story, the dialogue helps to show ..........."

Be sure your response includes the following!

1. Introduction sentence that restates the question and give your answer.
2. Evidence from the texts. Be sure to give evidence from passage one and passage 2!
3. Explain how the evidence supports or proves your answer.
4. Use transition phrases!
5. A concluding sentence that restates your answer.
6. This written response is going to have AT LEAST 6 sentences!

RA: restate the question and answer it.
C: Cite evidence
E: Explain how the evidence proves your answer
S: Summarize your main point.

Respuesta :

The dialogue in the story effects it by showing the reader how Andrew messed up his speech by stuttering.  "F-f-fellow students, I-I-I am here t-t-today to ask f-f-for your s-s-support," Andrew stuttered. .. Oh, man, Andrew thought once he saw the mess he had made of his speech. " This piece of evidence proves that the dialogue shows the reader how Andrew messed up his speech by stuttering. So in conclusion, the dialogue effects the story by showing the readers how Andrew messed up his speech by stuttering. The dialogue in the poem effects the poem by showing the reader how rushed and serious Heather was about cleaning the house for the guests. First she says, ""Hurry, please hurry" "I need your help; I need you at your best!There's no need or time for you to protest!" "Our entire house is an absolute mess And we have to clean it before we can have guests!"Then the poem says, "So much so to show that she was serious."
These pieces of evidence prove how the dialogue showed the reader how rushed and serious Heather was about cleaning the house. In conclusion, the dialogue effects the poem by showing the reader how rushed and serious Heather was about cleaning the house. Finally, in the story the dialogue helped show the reader how Andrew messed up his speech and the dialogue in the poem helped show the reader how rushed and serious Heather was about cleaning the house. (Hope this helps. I had to do this for my online school yesterday and this is what I put and I got an A)