The ecological systems theory is a very popular and widely used theory in public health and health promotion. despite it's popularity, there are some common critiques of this approach. what is one common critique of this theory and do you agree or disagree with with these critiques

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Ecological system theory is the theory which provides the framework for community psychologists study the relationship in individual’ context within communities and the entire society.Urie Bronfenbrenner developed the ecological system. Some of the common critiques in ecological system theory are

(i)                  Exosystem. It involves links social system surrounding.

(ii)                Microsystem. It includes the relationship and structures which immediate contact with family, school, and neighbourhood.

(iii)               Mesosystem. Involves connection of child’s teachers and parents.

(iv)              Macrosystem. It provides base and other system levels for example customs, laws that have multiple effects.

According to critiques of ecological system theory, there is so much complexity in the interaction between levels and processes. It is difficult to find the actual chain leading to behaviour and health.


The ecological system theory explains about the interaction of the child's development with the surrounding environment. It describes different layers of interaction:

1. the microsystem: this is the closest layer of child's surrounding. This layer includes the interaction of the child with family, school, neighbourhood and childcare environment. This layer results in bi-directional influence on the belief and behaviour of child from parent and vice versa.  

2. the mesosystem: this layer is the interaction of between child's microsystems. Example interaction of child's teacher with parents.

3. the exosystem:  in this layer the child has no active role. In this behaviour of the child is influenced by parents working shedule and community based interactions.

4. the macrosystem: this is the outermost layer of child's interaction with the environment. This mainly includes customs, law and culture which a child follows. It is the chief responsibility of parents how a child perform these functions. So, the child's actions are influenced.

5. the chronosystem: this layer describes the physiological changes occurs in a child with respect to time.  

This theory mainly focuses on the physical, cognitive and psychological changes in the child with relation to the different environmental layers. This  theory only focuses on the physical and social environment. Does not included the interior barrier responsible for the overall development like parents education, low income, geographic mobility which can have an influence on child's health. I completely agree with this critics.