A 235.0 g metal block absorbs 2.44 × 103 J of heat to raise its temperature by 35 K. What is the specific heat of the metal? Show your work.

Respuesta :

When an object absorbs an amount of energy equal to Q, its temperature raises by [tex]\Delta T[/tex] following the formula
[tex]Q=m C_s \Delta T[/tex]
where m is the mass of the object and [tex]C_s [/tex] is the specific heat capacity of the material.

In our problem, we have [tex]Q=2.44 \cdot 10^3 J[/tex], [tex]m=235.0 g[/tex] and [tex]\Delta T=35 K[/tex], so we can re-arrange the formula and substitute the numbers to find the specific heat capacity of the metal:
[tex]C_s = \frac{Q}{m \Delta T}= \frac{2.44 \cdot 10^3 J}{(235.0 g)(35 K)}=0.297 J g^{-1} K^{-1} [/tex]