Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate serves as the starting point for the biosynthesis of numerous compunds of great importance , including cholestrol and the anti cancer drug tao. describe the first step in the reaction

Respuesta :

Ou tof the following given choices;

a.       elimination

b.      SN2 substitution

c.       Dissociation

d.      None of the above

The answer is B. In SN2 substitution, the leaving group is attached to a primary carbon. This is one of the SN reaction of nucleophilic substitution on dimethylallyl pyrophosphate. The other SN1 reaction, which is the more probable reaction because it's more stable.



Let's solve this!

In the biosynthesis process of compounds of great importance, the first step for dimethylalkyl pyrophosphate is the nucleophilic substitution.

In the nucleophilic substitution, it happens that a nucleophilic group, which has electrons, replaces another group called electrophilic which lacks electrons.

Consequently, the nucleophilic group replaces the electrophilic group.