When coal or oil are burned, some part of it is completely combusted, forming co2; another part is partially combusted, forming co (carbon monoxide); and some remains unburned and is released as soot. along with sulfur dioxide, these are the main components of?

Respuesta :

These are main components of Industrial Smog. Smog is air pollutant. Main sources of Smog are 1) Coal, 2) Transportation Emission, 3) Natural Causes. Those areas are mainly effected which are located in Industrial Zones and those which has high traffic density. Cities like Delhi, Beijing, London, Maxico City, Log Angeles, Tehran e.t.c are reported to be highly effected by smog. Among these polutants, CO₂ is the main source of Global Warming, CO has adverse effects on human health as it has 200 times more potency to bind with Hemoglobin compared to Oxygen, SO₂ when present in air reacts with water producing acid rain e.t.c.