Respuesta :

I don't know what your options were, but let's think about what's the worst that can happen to a human?


Is one of the purposes of the government to prevent death?

Yes: national defense and control of epidemics. 

So I would argue that national defense (protecting the citizens from being attacked by others) and controlling disasters such as epidemics are the two purposes of the government that would be missed most. 


National security.


The concept of "reason of state" asserts that the main purpose of a state is to secure its own continued existence, by whatever means necessary. And according to German sociologist Max Weber, the most fundamental and defining element of any state is its monopoly on the legitimate use of violence. So following these two ideas, a state that can't physically guarantee its own safety and continued existence is not viable. The only way to guarantee its continuity is to hold the physical means to defend the state from internal and external threats. This is called national security. A government that had its means of protecting national security taken away from it, would collapse very quickly as a result of a coup d'etat, civil war, revolution, or foreign invasion.