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Here are some important Supreme Court cases that will help you to understand what is and isn't allowed in public schools.

1) Tinker vs. Des Moines- This court case revolved around Mary Tinker and four other students who wore black armbands with a peace symbol on them to represent their anti-war stance on the war going on in Vietnam. After several appeals this made its way to the Supreme Court. The court decided that students do have protected freedom of speech in school as long as it does not disrupt the educational process.

2) New Jersey vs. TLO- This court case revolved around a search of personal belongings of a student suspected of having drugs. The drugs were found by administration, however the student sued saying it was illegal search and seizure since the principal did not have a search warrant. However, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the principal, making it so that administration or other security staff have the ability to search student belongings if deemed necessary.